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Assemblywoman Soria's Key Legislation Advances to the Assembly Floor

For immediate release:

SACRAMENTO, CA— Today, a package of bills authored by Assemblywoman Esmeralda Soria to improve public safety, expand healthcare workforce training programs and to advance clean energy development in the Central Valley passed the Assembly Appropriations Committee with bipartisan support.

“These bills provide solutions to many of the challenges our Central Valley is facing,” said Assemblywoman Soria. “I am excited to see these bills move to the Assembly Floor and look forward to continuing to fight for policies that uplift the needs of constituents in Assembly District 27.”

The following bills will be considered by the full Assembly:

AB 1960 – Retail Theft Penalty Enhancement: Increases criminal penalties for retail theft.

AB 2060 – Flood MAR (Managed Aquifer Recharge): Streamlines the process for capturing floodwaters to recharge groundwater basins on agricultural lands and working landscapes.

AB 2104 - Nursing Bachelor’s Degrees at CCCs: Directs the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges to establish a pilot program to allow up to 15 community college districts to offer a Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

AB 2281 - Tribal Court Judges: Enacts legal protections to tribal judges that are equal to legal protections enjoyed by state and federal judges.

AB 2661 – Central Valley Clean Energy: Helps achieve California’s renewable goals by focusing the efforts of the California Public Utilities Commission and leveraging the existing capabilities of California’s water districts. This will create new skilled jobs in the Central Valley.

AB 2900 – Ag Emission Tech Assistance: Directs the California Air Resource Board to establish a Small Agricultural Truck Fleet Assistance Program to provide technical and funding assistance to help owner-operators or owners of small fleets transition to emission-complaint trucks.

AB 3275 – Small Hospital Assistance: Strengthens the financial stability of small, rural and critical access hospitals by requiring prompt payment for services from healthcare plans.
