February Mobile Office Hours
February Mobile Office Hours
February Mobile Office Hours
I am thrilled to invite you to our Posada Open House and Toy Drive! This is a wonderful opportunity to meet me and my team and learn about various resources provided by local community organizations.
Please join my staff for Mobile Office Hours in your community throughout the month of October. We will be available to assist constituents with casework involving state agencies such as EDD, DMV, State Franchise Tax Board, and much more.
Come discuss legislative issues and learn about the services provided by the district office. This is a great chance to have your questions answered, share your concerns, and engage with your local representatives.
With spooky season approaching, we encourage everyone to be safe this Halloween. It is necessary to ensure that Halloween is not only fun but safe for the whole community to enjoy.
Please join my staff for Mobile Office Hours in your community throughout the month of October. We will be available to assist constituents with casework involving state agencies such as EDD, DMV, State Franchise Tax Board, and much more.
I’m excited to invite you to join me as I deliver a $500,000 check in state funding to the Madera County Food Bank. This funding will help with the construction and expansion of their new facility.
You’re invited to help recognize the VFW Post 8900 for their outstanding work in the community. Post 8900 has been a local, state, and federal partner ensuring that Fresno veterans get the resources they need and deserve.